Monday, July 28, 2008

World Youth Day - Paris 1997

An event that changed my life. An event where millions of young people from all over the world convene. This amazing event is World Youth Day (WYD).

Every 2, 3 years, the Holy Father invites Catholic youths from every part of the world to a different country. In 1997 it was France, Paris, in 2000, it was Rome, Italy, in 2002, Toronto, Canada. This year, it was held in Sydney, Australia.

My story
The turnaround started in the summer of 1997 in Paris, France. My life before that was a mess, confusing and I often wondered why was I born into this world, there must be a meaning to it all. Mass attendance was irregular, perhaps only 5 times in a year. It was a boring Sunday occurrence. Sleeping in was more beneficial since I worked long hours. I’ve never really understood the liturgy of the mass. Why do we have to stand and sit and kneel? And everything seems to be so mechanical and routine. Then came World Youth Day.

What happened there
In Lourdes, our first stop, a Days in Diocese program, we were asked if we wanted to volunteer. I was roped in and I had no idea what we were volunteering ourselves for, only 12 of us from the 84 Singapore delegates were chosen. Then in the middle of the mass, we were led to join hands with the priest at the altar for the Lord’s prayer. My goodness, I didn’t want to be there in the lime light. There were at least 20,000 people there in the underground basilica! God was really having a field day with me. That short prayer did something within me. I felt a warm electrifying heat passing through my body. It was like an energizing bolt passing through, I felt so happy instantly, it’s so unexplainable. I turned and started wishing everybody the sign of peace, hugging even the invalids on beds with sores and skin diseases, greeting one and all with the biggest smile. When I turned around, I realized that the priest had just started the sign of peace. What a joke! I had no idea then how that one prayer could change my life.

At WYD, the masses were lively with full celebratory participation. Flags from different countries were waved with loud cheers, we just sang and danced our hearts out. I couldn’t believe this is really mass! Not to mention the amazing praise and worship with well-known bands, everything was done professionally and well organized. I have never been so impressed by the Catholic Church. How I wished all masses could be celebrated like this.

Then when reality hit me, I was shown that in fact my relationship with God is not dependant on whether they waved flags or sung with gusto, it is a very intimate and personal relationship, only between him and me. Mass changed for me forever.

After WYD, we were so filled with enthusiasm that we said yes to recording some 16 pre-selected songs (on CD, for sale!) for the Emmanuel community whom we got to know really well while in France. We had many fellowship sessions, follow ups, and tried to start our own prayer group. Many of us also went ‘prayer group shopping’. Some of us are still in the same prayer groups that we joined back then in 1997.

Now, 10 years later, after many ups and downs, with many questions in my head. And many many fall outs with God, I have resigned from a well paying advertising job, and have been a full time missionary for the past 5.5 years, the first two years in India. Now currently serving in the Philippines.

Many events have happened since World Youth Day, but it was one of the landmarks of my spiritual journey. As I look back, if I hadn’t said yes to WYD, I wouldn’t have said yes to the prayer group, nor the various other retreats, seminars, etc which led me to where I am today. And if I hadn’t given God a chance, I would most certainly have been at the losing end, and he would still be trying to draw me back.

I know that many people go to WYD because of friends or the idea of networking with other young people from all around the world. But I went there on my own without knowing anyone, and many of my closest friends now are those in our contingent during WYD. Strangers turned into friends, journeying together, and spending an amazingly, unforgettable time together.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


In the society I grew up in, I had a value system much like many I know. The goal? Achieve the 5Cs and then I would have 'arrived'.

Country Club membership

I might have made it to the 3rd level if not for a change in priorities, I kept asking myself, since these goals are so difficult for me to achieve, and I wasn't happy trying to achieve, much less know if I'd be happy once I get there (since I wasnt happy after I got the first 2), then why am i striving so hard? Has my life been lived out fully? Have I loved the ones around me enough? Have I made a difference in the world?

Now I have found the 6th C and I've never been happier...


On my deathbed I found the meaning of my life

Life had always been confusing, disoriented, full of unanswered questions, and at various times, very depressive as well. I had been baptized since I was 10 days old, but for more than 10 years, attending mass was the most difficult thing for me to do, the first confession was also my last.

Life was a matter of attaining the 5Cs, Career, cash, country club, condominium, car. This was the socially accepted way, study really hard, get ‘A’s at school, grab the best job and get married, hopefully retire by age 50. I strove hard to attain this. Working up the career ladder, I moved from my first job as a Junior Designer, and rose up to Art director within a few years. The job was glamorous and paid well. But the many late nights and working on weekends soon took its toll. There were also many occasions where I would spend several nights in the office trying to meet deadlines. Soon I lost touch with friends and family. I had become a workaholic. And I started asking the question “was I working to live or living to work?”

In the meantime, I was involved in one relationship after another, every boyfriend almost ended up in marriage, but no one quite worked out. I felt like a failure, every break up sent me deep in depression. Then, in 1999, I went to Australia, and there I was in a relationship with an Australian. He was tall, blond and handsome. We loved each other very much although we fought very often, we often reconciled immediately. However, after nearly one year, he wrote me a long email, telling me not to reply to his email, nor visit him, and he doesn't want to see me again. I was very shocked to read this. I thought to myself “what did I do to deserve this kind of treatment? All I wanted was someone to love me and accept me as I am”

The more I read the email, the more angry, sad, disappointed I felt. Within a few days, I became very ill, and in fact for 3 days I couldn't eat, drink nor sleep properly. I was so sick, I could not even turn in bed. All I could do was cry and do nothing else. I knew within my body that I would not survive for many more days. I had no one to share this with, not my family, nor my friends, no one would understand what I was going through. It was then that I prayed to God for the first time in many years. I told him that I had not been a good Catholic and done too many things to deserve hell. After that I told him I was sorry for all the things I had done and this may be the last time I was going to pray, then I said ‘Amen’. A few seconds later, the phone rang… for nearly 10 mins, when I finally got to the phone, it was a priest whom I don't know. He was inviting me to a BBQ! However, I felt that this was God's very direct response to my prayer. He's hearing my prayer!!

Then Father proceeded to ask more about me and when I told him I'm not feeling well, he suggested that I go to a healing mass. I've not attended mass in years much less hear of a healing mass. Then Father proceeded to give me the directions to the church. I was supposed to take a train, then change platforms and take another train, then change to a tram and walk. In my delirious state I had not registered any of the instructions. After we hung up, I was filled with gratefulness. Is this real?

Then I told God that if he really wanted me to go this church he would have to wake me up in the morning. Because I would not be able to even set the alarm clock properly in this state of mind. That night I slept peacefully for the first time in many years. The next morning, I was awoken at 08:00:00 exactly! That was exactly one hour before the mass! I quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed. As I rushed to the train station, I realized that I didn't feel sick at all! I wasn't taking any medication during the 3 days, no food nor drink, and my body certainly did not feel weak at all! My mouth wasn't even parched. This was unbelievable, I was healed overnight.

When I arrived, I was still pleasantly surprised that I got there on time without remembering much of the instructions given by father.

At the huge church, there were only 2 rows of people seated right in the front pews. They were singing and their hands were raised and shaking. I thought this must be a healing mass for very sick people. I had no idea that it was a charismatic mass nor what charismatic means. I decided to sit at the last pew and leave if I felt uncomfortable.

As I knelt there, I was filled with a deep sense of peace and gratitude. All I could do was say ‘Thank you God’. It was then I felt a nudge on my arm, and a voice telling me ‘Get up and walk to the next pew’. I must be hallucinating since I hadn't eaten in days. But the voice kept ringing in my head and the nudge continued gently. I decided to open my eyes and saw that there was indeed someone seated there. Just minutes before, I was all alone at the back pew. I heeded the prompting and moved toward the old man seated there. When I reached him, I knew what I needed to say to him 'Uncle, God loves you very much'. At first he looked at me strangely, but when I repeated the message to him, there was a certain realization in his eyes. He let out a big cry later, and came over to tell me that he had been coming to this church everyday for the past 20 years and have been praying for his wife and son to return to church, and since nothing much has happened he told God that this would be the last time he would pray.

That brought me a lot of joy, and for the first time, I knew that my mission in this world is to reach out to others. Why was this happening to me, what did I do to deserve this love? And what unconditional love this is! Nothing I did in the past would merit this kind of love!

As I left the church, I felt so much joy in my heart. It felt like I was in love, but how can this be? I had just broken up with my boyfriend.

I lived the next few months in total happiness. On Cloud 9. I later heard this same voice telling me “Life in the Spirit”. Since I had no idea, I searched the internet and found out. I attended the LISS in 2000 in Singapore, then was invited to join the prayer group who helped organize the LISS. Later that year, I was invited to be part of the service team.

Now I am a full time missionary with the ICPE for 7 years (as of 2009). Life has never been the same since. And there's never a dull moment with God. There are also the usual struggles and trials but now I am more able to face it with the strength that He gives to me. Father God has become more present in my life. And also always available to me.